Where does it hurt?

Complex Content
Lauren has made topics from carbon finance to Indian Classical music to MRI technology easy to understand- and even fun.
Lauren has a strong technical skills and a serious STEM education- she’s ready to geek out on your brand.

Regulated Industries
Medical, vitamins, cannabis, CBD, and sex are all tricky industries due to government regulation and algorithmic bias.
Lauren has run successful marketing for all of these- and even knows how to get Facebook Ads approved on the toughest topics.

Algorithm Problems
Lauren once worked with a niche publisher whose posts were reaching 200 of their 15,000 followers. After a few months, Lauren increased the reach rate 10-fold.
If your organic performance is steadily declining, Lauren knows how to reverse that trend.

Multiple Accounts
Lauren has devised smooth processes for complicated social sets ups, such as:
a brand with 127 franchise locations on 4-5 social networks each.
Weekly analytics for 1,000+ accounts at the LA Times.
3 touring musicals that each move cities every 2 weeks.

Tricky Audiences
Lauren strategized for a climate change company whose core customers don’t believe in climate change. Often, Lauren’s clients have both B2B and B2C audiences.
Lauren loves audience strategy the most, applying her Cognitive Science training to the psychology of your potential customers.

Struggling Brands
Lauren’s clients tend to show up in a state of desperation. They’ve fired multiple agencies. Their comments are full of trolls. The executives disagree on marketing strategy. The intern has run social into the ground.
Lauren will get your digital marketing on the right track with expertise and empathy.